


The show is set in Lucknow and revolves around the leads Krishna Dubey, an aspiring doctor and Radhe Lal Shukla, an aspiring lover.

Radhe lives in Kanpur. He belongs to a rich illiterate family. Radhe’s father Shuklaji has faced much humiliation from the society for his illiteracy. Shuklaji instead of educating himself and his family wants to get an educated wife for Radhe, wishing that she answers all his societal enemies

Krishna, a motherless girl assists her dad, Dubey at his clinic, who is a non-degree allopathic practitioner. Dubey earns a living by his clinic and milk business. Krishna wants to become a doctor. She gets motivated by her best friend, lover and mentor Prashant, who runs a coaching centre and an IAS aspirant. Prashant asks her to drop all worries. He assures Krishna that he will convince Dubey to send her to London but fails afterwards. Krishna even tries to run from her wedding.

Destiny takes Radhay and Krishna on a ride of life where they get married to each other and are now facing all the hardships and cruelty together.